
Healthcare providers should understand core infection prevention and control practices. We provide the resources and tools required to create a safe environment
for employees and for patients

“Karen’s knowledge of the standards of care related to safety, along with her ability to communicate ‘why’ certain steps are necessary is shared in the most engaging and friendly way.“

Regardless of the method of delivery, the focus is to provide resources to move
healthcare organizations forward.

Public Speaking:

Either live in-person or virtual events

Karen’s impactful presentations cater to various audiences from local study clubs to state dental meetings and even prestigious national conferences. With a commitment to delivering insightful and dynamic presentations, Karen brings an unparalleled level of expertise and
knowledge to each speaking opportunity.

Local Study Clubs: Presentations provide an invaluable platform for dental healthcare providers within the community to delve into specific safety topics. These small gatherings provide the opportunity for shared learning and collaboration and offer a unique chance to engage directly with Karen, gaining personalized insights that can be applied immediately.

State and National Dental Meetings: For larger audiences Karen’s ability to share insight into key patient and employee safety processes along with vital industry updates leaves attendees armed with practical solutions to everyday challenges.

Public speaking engagements cater to the entire spectrum of dental professionals, from local gatherings that nurture grassroots connections to larger forums that drive industry-wide progress. With each engagement, Karen’s goal is to inspire, educate, and empower dental professionals to reach new heights in their practice and contribute to the advancement of dental care on all scales.

Safety Process Calibration

Safety Process Calibration, conducted on-site or virtually, involves a comprehensive approach to safety for dental healthcare workers, patients and visitors. Karen is a nationally recognized subject matter expert, well-versed in the intricacies of safety processes within dental practices. Her expertise includes the ability to align safety policies and procedures with stringent regulations and nationally recognized standards of care.

Topics Included:

Employee Safety – Employers should provide a workplace that is secure and hazard free. Karen works with employers to identify areas of opportunity and create action plans to reduce overall risk to employees. OSHA Bloodborne pathogen compliance is a first step in ensuring the safety of frontline workers.

Instrument Reprocessing – Behind a very successful practice is an efficiently running instrument reprocessing center. By understanding appropriate workflow and application of national guidelines, a practice can increase revenue generation and decrease exposure risk to their employees.

Dental Unit Waterline Treatment and Maintenance – Treatment and maintenance of dental unit waterlines are essential for both worker and patient safety. Evaluation of products and implementation of protocols based on manufacturer’s instructions for use set practices up to meet the CDC’s national standard of care.