
Our Why

Karen Gregory Consulting was created based on the belief that every healthcare provider should understand core safety practices and have the resources and tools needed to create a safe environment for themselves and for patients.

It is especially important to share these core measures and processes with frontline workers, who always want to do the right thing, but often follow legacy practices. This logic may put patients and healthcare workers at risk of exposure to infection, but once addressed, risks are immediately reduced. 

Understanding the “why” behind their choices and actions is the first step and is crucial.

Our How

Creating a safety culture is much more than a training and checklists. Karen’s teaching philosophy revolves around inspiring others to understand the “why” behind their choices and actions. She has a remarkable talent for breaking down intricate infection prevention and control principles into digestible morsels of information She firmly believes that education is the key to effecting lasting change in safety practices. By sharing her expertise, she inspires healthcare workers to become actively involved in preventing the spread of infections.

Whether onsite, through a webinar or from a stage, her dynamic and interactive teaching style ensures that participants leave her sessions equipped with practical skills and a heightened awareness that everyone contributes to safety.

Our Core Values


Each engagement or interaction will be approached with enthusiasm, dedication, and deep interest. Karen will put in extra effort, invest time and energy, and overcome obstacles to ensure outcomes are of the highest quality.


The baseline for all interactions is being honest and acting in a way that is fair, just, and ethical. A key priority is to be seen as trustworthy and dependable to gain the respect of clients and the healthcare industry.


Years of education, training, continuous learning, and experience in employee and patient safety has led to a high level of knowledge and skill in healthcare safety. With a deep understanding and proficiency, Karen makes informed judgments, solves complex problems in collaboration with clients, and provides valuable insight, solutions and guidance on worker and patient safety.

Charitable Support

Helping those in need is a crucial part of living out faith in Jesus Christ. Whether it is volunteering, raising awareness of social injustices, or making financial contributions, supporting those in need can make a difference in the lives of many.